In principle, the concept of "Dual Qualification" refers to a situation which allows the student to enrol and complete two different qualifications at the same time, while allowing the qualifications to be completed in less time than it takes to complete them individually.
The EduVisa "Dual Qualification" Policy applies specifically to the Integrated Master of Business Administration (iMBA) Degree Programme and incorporates the element of Progressive Qualification Certification (PQC) which provides for an Uniqual-IQF (Formative Assessment) after which the student progresses to a curriculum-mapped Ofqual-RQF (Summative Assessment) that again results in a UK-Ofqual Accredited Diploma at RQF Levels 4 to 8 (equivalent to the relevant Bachelor, Master's and Doctoral degree levels and credit-bearing towards the full UK MBA Degree).
Students completing the iMBA Degree Programme consequently may be awarded an EduVisa IQF- as well as an Ofqual RQF level 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 diploma qualification while studying towards a Master's of Business Administration Degree (MBA) on the integrated EduVisa/Arden University MBA Programme.
EduVisa Graduate School of Management (EduVisa GSM) may upon request/nomination consider the awarding of diploma qualifications (subject to compliance with the relevant UK-Ofqual & BAC-University guidelines and policies) at IQF-assessment and accreditation level while taking into consideration declared RPLE policies, the level and duration of previous employment at a middle to senior management level, the nature and extent of collaboration agreements, role and contribution to society and the status of qualifications previously obtained after completion of a prescribed curriculum (including formal moderated assessment/examination) as approved and accredited in terms of government legislation or a government-recognised award body.
Consideration will only be given to such requests if proof of attendance, study process and examination results can be validated as it applies specifically to the field of business and management studies relevant to iMBA Curriculum.
The EduVisa RPLE-Committee will, in the case of a non-business and management academic history, require the candidate to complete an EduVisa Diploma Capstone Programme at the appropriate level (IQF-Levels 4 to 7) consisting of an IQF-assessment of 6 elective modules as proof that the candidate has indulged in moderated business studies. The EduVisa Diploma Capstone Programme can be completed in 3–4 months and may result in a Diploma in Management (QF-L4Dip.Man), Higher Diploma in Management (IQF-L5HDip.Man), Graduate Diploma in Management (IQF-L6GDip.Man) or Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (IQF-L7PGDip.Man) to meet accreditation and qualification audit and validation requirements relevant to the UK-Ofqual and UK-BAC regulatory environment.
The issuing of the mentioned diploma qualifications qualify the candidate to proceed with the relevant RQF-Assessment/Examination phase in order to be awarded a EduVisa-Ofqual L4, L5, L6 or L7 diploma qualification and to proceed to the next academic year.
Candidate applying for the EduVisa Diploma Capstone Programme will also be considered for the EduVisa Scholarship Discounted Fee (-25%) Programme when continuing their studies towards the iMBA Degree via EduVisa/Arden University.
Please note that an IQF Diploma certification (Formative Theory Assessment) serves as the forerunner to UK-Ofqual RQF certification (Summative Theory Assessment) accredited on the UK-Ofqual qualification framework. It is also important to note that only the final EduVisa-Ofqual (RQF) qualification qualifies for accreditation purposes when submitted to a quality assurance body (SCO, Ofqual, EQA, SAQA etc). In this regard, the name, logos, website content or accreditation status of EduVisa Graduate School of Management, its academic programmes or academic partners may not be copied or used for accreditation validation purposes by third-parties, academic partners or individuals. Such action constitute a fraudulent action.