As an Online Student, you will benefit from years of research that have been utilised to develop a state-of-the-art Virtual University system that incorporates the latest technology and advances in tertiary education. Thousands and thousands of students worldwide have gained diplomas, degrees, post-degree, and professional qualifications online. The EDUVISA Virtual University System (EVUS) ensures that the student gets the most from his/her online learning.
You can access the EDUVISA Virtual University System (EVUS) on your mobile phone, laptop, desktop, or notepad if you have Internet connectivity. The beauty of online learning is that you can study wherever and whenever you please. With no physical classes to attend, you must feel confident that you are able to keep on top of your workload. To do that, you need self-motivation and self-discipline. As with regular, on-campus learning, online courses have deadlines that must be met, and suitable time management will play a significant role in helping you to meet those deadlines and make a success of your studies.
Research shows that studying at the same time each day helps to form a sustainable study habit, which will accelerate the completion of your studies. It is important to establish a personal study routine from day one. You schedule your own “class times” and will be helpful to turn studying into a habit by setting aside dedicated time each day or week. Initially, this may be challenging, but after a while, it will start to feel perfectly natural, even effortless.
You can use your diary to create a study schedule for the coming week(s) using a chart or your regular diary by treating each study session as if it were an important meeting - the kind of appointment you'd never dream of breaking. It is amazing how many minutes per day the average person wastes while travelling on the bus, waiting for somebody at the coffee shop or simply idling away. “Learn to make the minutes count if you want to become the star of the hour"! Utilise the power of your TAB, mobile phone, or notebook (for study purposes it is sometimes more practical to opt for a smaller or lighter laptop or notebook rather than a heavy, clumsy one that is difficult to carry around) that you can use while flying or travelling.
People’s learning styles vary dramatically, and what works for someone else may not work for everybody. For example, you may be the kind of person who is more alert in the morning, in which case it makes sense to maximise that time. Similarly, if you learn better later in the day, then plan most of your study during the evening. If you’re not sure what time will suit you best, then think about your current daily routine. Remember that there is a difference between “being familiar with a certain text or section of the work” and being able to “reproduce that section of the work” in an examination environment where you may have to perform within a time limit.
Research clearly shows that t is better to study in short bursts rather than cram everything into one long session. Limit your sessions to between 40 and 50 minutes, and take a five-minute break at the end of that time. Remember to regularly stand up, stretch, walk around, and get the blood flowing instead of staying seated.
When it comes to assignment writing, you may need to set aside longer periods of time. You will certainly find assignments easier if you create a plan and make notes of what you intend to include for each aspect of your answer. This way, if you do your assignment over a period, you won’t have to duplicate effort and time working out what you want to do.
Although you’re studying online, there is no reason to struggle alone if you get stuck. Your personal tutor is only an email away and is always happy to have an online tutorial with you.