Welcome to the Master of Business Administration (iMBA) Degree. The EduVisa GSM iMBA Degree provides a firm academic grounding in leadership strategy, marketing and finance while preparing the learner/student from a professional perspective to fulfil a leadership role in any industry at any career stage of his/her life. This course aims to develop competencies and capabilities, which contribute to the firm’s sustainable competitive advantage. It offers a fast and thorough road to professional advancement in a variety of industries, where project managers, play a critical role in ensuring the development and execution of plans using best practices that help the firm thrive.
- Under-Graduate Entry (EduVisa Candidates) - EduVisa Graduate School of Management, as a UK-Ofqual Accredited Business School, offers candidates a cost– and time-saving opportunity to pursue a Master of Business Administration Degree (MBA) by completing a L4Dip.Man (RQF-Ofqual) (equal to Bachelor 1st year level), L5HDip.Man (RQF-Ofqual) (equal to Bachelor 2nd year level, L6GDip.Man (IQF-Ofqual) (MBA Foundation) followed by a L7PGDip.Man (RQF-Ofqual) and MBA Top-Up (MBA Research Module/Thesis/Dissertation) via EduVisa/Arden University or alternative UK or international university. Upon completion, the candidate is awarded a Master's in Business Administration/Management (MBA) Degree by Arden University in the United Kingdom (or alternative progression university).
- Post-Graduate Entry (Non-EduVisa Candidates) - EduVisa Graduate School of Management, as a UK-Ofqual Accredited Business School, and in association with Arden University, offers non-EduVisa Ofqual (RQF-L7) Diplomandi the opportunity to seamless register via EduVisa Admissions for an MBA-Top-Up (MBA-Thesis/Dissertation) Programme completed via the EduVisa Centre for Accelerated MBA Studies and Arden University School of Leadership and Management. Upon completion, the candidate is awarded a Master's in Business Administration/Management (MBA) Degree by Arden University in the United Kingdom (or alternative progression university).
EduVisa Graduate School of Management is an accredited MBA Progression Partner which allow students, who have completed an Ofqual-Accredited Level 7 Diploma (Post-Graduate Diploma) in Management via EduVisa GSM, to qualify for automatic admission to the Arden University MBA Top-Up (MBA Thesis/Dissertation) Programme.
Admission applications via the EduVisa / Arden Admission Office activates a seamless admission process as well as the EduVisa GSM Scholarship Discounted Payment options (See Scholarship Discount & Payment Options).
Bachelor Level - 1st Year Equivalent
L4Dip.Man (Diploma in Management) (IQF - Formative Theory Assessment) (Awarded via EduVisa) (±4 Months) (iMBA Requirement)
L4Dip.Man (Diploma in Management) (RQF - Summative Theory Assessment) (Awarded via Ofqual) (±4-6 Months) (Optional RQF Requirement)
Bachelor Level - 2nd Year Equivalent
L5HDip.Man (Higher Diploma in Management) (IQF - Formative Theory Assessment) (Awarded by EduVisa) (±4 Months) (iMBA Requirement)
L5HDip.Man (Higher Diploma in Management) (RQF - Summative Theory Assessment)(Awarded via Ofqual) (±4-6 Months) (Optional RQF Requirement)
Bachelor-to-Master Bridging Level
L6GDip.Man (Graduate Diploma in Management) (IQF Formative Theory Assessment) (Awarded by EduVisa) (±4-6Months) (iMBA Requirement)
Master's Level - MBA Degree
L7PGDip.Man (Post-Graduate Diploma in Management) (IQF Formative & RQF Summative Theory Assessment) (Awarded via Ofqual) (±6-8 Months) (iMBA Requirement)
MBA Top-Up (MBA Research Thesis/Dissertation) (MBA Degree awarded by Arden University or an alternative UK-University of choice) (±4-6 Months (iMBA Requirement)
EduVisa offers a number of scholarship-based discounted payment options that allows for a 25% reduction in course fees:
Regional Scholarship Discount - EduVisa GSM Ofqual Programmes (L4Dip.Man), (L5HDip.Man), L6GDip.Man) & (L7PGDip.Man) (Completion via EduVisa Graduate School of Management)
Regional Scholarship Discount - EduVisa GSM / Arden University (MBA Top-Up) (Registration via EduVisa Admissions Office).
See Scholarship Discount and Payment Options for information.
Students who have completed an EduVisa GSM Diploma in Management (L4Dip.Man) (UK-Ofqual RQF) or Higher Diploma in Management (L5HDip.Man) (UK-Ofqual RQF) can apply via their national accreditation authority (ENQA, SAQA etc) for qualification certification (transfer of credits) in order to proceed with further studies at a university in a country outside the United Kingdom. Similarly, students who have completed a Master's in Business Administration (iMBA) Degree via EduVisa/Arden University or alternative government-accredited university, can continue their doctoral studies at any other university institution. Although universities in principle accept a government-regulated accredited qualification (UK Ofqual-accredited L4 Diploma, L5 Higher Diploma or L7 Post-Graduate Diploma) or proof of grades from another university, registration of the student may still be subject to approval at Faculty or Departmental level and/or acceptance of the MBA thesis/dissertation proposal. It is a customary practice that the university to which the student wishes to transfer may require the completion of additional modules to align the student with its own curriculum. This is a result of underlying differences or variations in curriculums followed by different universities or business schools.
Most universities have an international student or central admissions office which will assist students with the evaluation of qualifications for admission purposes.
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree prepares students with the practical skills and academic knowledge base that are essential for meaningful business and managerial careers. Working managers and emerging professionals will earn the degree that is the recognized workplace standard for leadership and management, and the competencies to survive and thrive in today’s complex and uncertain business or organizational settings. Students will learn to deliver value by using business intelligence and analysis to make decisions, implementing projects through collaboration and teamwork, and exercising leadership to create change. An MBA degree from an accredited university or business school remains a key requirement for the individual who wishes to pursue a management and leadership position in the world of corporate business, the government sector or small business development.
Students who have completed the EduVisa Post-Graduate Diploma (L7PGDip.Man) as part of the EduVisa GSM Integrated Master's of Business Administration (iMBA) Degree Programme and who apply for admission for the Arden University MBA Top-Up Programme via the EduVisa / Arden Admission Office will automatically be assisted with UK Student Visa applications when requested. Students who wish to visit the UK for study purposes can apply for a Short-Term Study Visa or alternatively for a Full Study Visa.